Minggu, 18 November 2012

Balinese Topeng

Hi guys, now i will shared about Traditional art of Bali. One of them is Balinese Topeng. 
Topeng is covering a face form the dancer and  are made of wood / lumber, paper etc with a different design. Of the shape of the face of gods, human, animal, devil etc. In bali, Topeng is dance performance that all the dancer use the mask ( topeng ) with the story sourced from history as know as Babad. 

In bali, there are two types topeng. the first is Topeng Bungkulan and Topeng Sibakan. 

  1. Topeng Bungkulan is  covering all of face the dancer. Topeng bungkulan performances open with a series of non-speaking masked characters which may not be related to the story to be performed. for the example of topeng bungkulan is Topeng Tua ( an old man who may joke and draw-out the audience), Topeng Keras ( a martial, authoritarian character ), Topeng Manis ( a refined hero ) etc.
  2. Topeng Sibakan mean mask covering a half of face the dancer. Topeng Sibakan performances with use the conversation with balinese language and kawi language. For the Example of topeng sibakan is topeng penasar, and the bondres ( people ). 
In bali, there are some type dancing of topeng. balinese topeng dance always performed in ceremonies in temple. Topeng Pajegan mean mask of performed in dewa yadnya ceremony in temple. in this dance have 3 part of dance. the first topeng keras and topeng tua performed, the second topeng penasar perfomed and the last topeng sidakarya dance. 

Topeng Sidakarya mean topeng dance closing an apperance in temple. Topeng sidakarya have point mistic in every performed. because topeng sidakarya have a "tirta" are use people in bali to closing a ritual in temple. 



Ok thats all about balinese topeng. see you next time. 

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